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Global Cities and Global Governance in World Politics with a Study of China’s Global Cities

Published:2018-06-14 Published:2018-06-14   Author:Wang Wei   [Small] [Middle] [Big] [More]

Global value and pluralistic actors constitute the two cornerstones of global governance. As global governance is now encountering difficulties, global cities carrying global value have become important actors in providing global public goods. Global cities follow their development path and participate in global governance in three dimensions: in terms of capacity support, they provide global governance with their economic and talent advantages and rich political practices; in terms of institutional building, they establish city networks and contribute institutional solutions; in terms of norm-guiding, they develop public spirit and a sense of global community. The rising Chinese global cities strive to achieve self-expression and enrich the Chinese view of global governance by jointly building the relationship structure, constructing the experience institution, and creating the ethos in the global governance system.

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