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Theocratic Democracy and New Statism:“Populist Religion” in Contemporary International Politics

Published:2018-06-14 Published:2018-06-14   Author:Li Xiangping   [Small] [Middle] [Big] [More]

In recent years, the drastic changes in international religious relations has spilled over into international politics. The global populism has been built and strengthened by different religious styles of different countries. In particular, the impact of populist religion on international politics is the most prominent. The Islam-centered Arabic populism, the Chinese populism based on Buddhism and Confucianism, and Christian populism of Christian fundamentalists and lower-class white people have altogether produced the phenomenon of “populist religion.” It has generated the idea of “theocratic democracy” and “sacred populace,” and has led to the new statism that emphasizes “absolute state” and loyalty to state. These developments have profoundly affected international politics and even contemporary international political thought.

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