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E.U.’s Involvement in Water Governance in Central Asia

Published:2018-06-14 Published:2018-06-14   Author:Li Zhifei   [Small] [Middle] [Big] [More]

Central Asia is one of the key regions for the E.U.’s water diplomacy. The E.U. has established a composite water governance framework through cooperation, and has actively involved itself in water governance affairs by paying due attention to both political and technological dimensions, by investing in water infrastructural construction, and by promoting integrated water governance policy. The E.U.’s water diplomacy in Central Asia, which is part and parcel of its overall Central Asia strategy, lays stress on internalizing the model of E.U. water governance in Central Asia and establishing mechanisms and rules in accordance with the E.U. Water Framework Directive and other relevant laws in order to increase the E.U.’s influence and presence in Central Asia. China and other Asian countries should attach great importance to the construction of basin and regional institutional building and technology governance, and strengthen the establishment and improvement of water diplomacy strategy. As an upstream country, China should enhance its participation and strive to become an active provider of public goods in Asian water governance.

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