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On Hong Kong’s Nativism

Published:2018-06-14 Published:2018-06-14   Author:Liu Jiaqi   [Small] [Middle] [Big] [More]

In recent years, the integration process between mainland China and Hong Kong is accompanied by certain realistic problems, for example, the increasing number of the grey goods traders, etc. These problems not only irritate the people in Hong Kong, but also stimulate the rise of Hong Kong Radical Nativism. Some radicals even demand for the establishment of an independent country. There are several factors contributing to this phenomenon, including the impact of colonialism, the difficulty of the national education program, the changes of immigration policy, the pessimisticism and frustration among the people in Hong Kong, the supports from foreign countries, and the misunderstanding of the "high degree of autonomy." Hong Kong City-state Discourse and Hong Kong National Discourse are the two most influential Radical Nativism publications in Hong Kong, both advocating "Hong Kong Independence." In Hong Kong City-State Discourse, the author Chen Yun distorts the relationship between mainland China and Hong Kong; he also assumes a city-state identity for Hong Kong; and he even challenges the Chinese national structure. As to Hong Kong National Discourse, the author makes up the so-called "Hong Kong national identity" and boasts for national self-determination. Now both the Hong Kong Radical Nativism and "Hong Kong Independence" have developed and already produced a powerful impact on the nation identity of the Hong Kong society and people.

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