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Global Health: Power, Challenge and China’s Development Strategy

Published:2018-06-14 Published:2018-06-14   Author:Xu Tongwu   [Small] [Middle] [Big] [More]

Global Health consists of three major parts: health development, health security, and health diplomacy. Health development constitutes the material, intellectual, and capacity foundation of global health; health security is a major component of national security and international public security; and health diplomacy is the overseas actions related to health in order to safeguard national interests under the banner of humanitarian morality. The three parts are closely integrated, intensively interactional, and inseparable from one another. The United Kingdom, the United States and India have plenty of valuable experiences in the realm of global health, such as the establishment of National Health Service, innovations in health diplomacy, enhancement of global security and bio-pharmaceutical industry development. From the perspective of global health, China is now facing three huge difficulties: the relative deterioration of her population health, acute contradiction between supply and demand of health resources, and imbalance between her global health capacity and great power status. Therefore, China should pursue the One Global Health policy,, and try her best to meet the world challenges, such as to contain unhealthy lifestyles, improve the quality and equity of health services to realize Universal Health Coverage, strengthen national capacity to prevent, detect and control epidemics, elevate capabilities of national public health to respond to emergencies, including resilient capacity to defend against nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical (NRBC) attacks, make innovations in bio-pharmaceutical industry and traditional Chinese medicine, actively solve the problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), reform the system of providing development assistance for health, take initiatives to deal with the health consequences of climate change, and accelerate the construction of a system that attracts and gathers medical and health talents so as to effectively cope with the challenges of global health.

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