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The Morality Myth and the Alienation of Humanitarian Intervention

Published:2014-09-10 Published:2014-09-10   Author:Zhang Qi   [Small] [Middle] [Big] [More]

The so-called humanitarian intervention has taken place frequently since the end ofthe Cold War. However, in practice there is often an alienation phenomenon being the end result divorced from original goals.The underlying cause lies in the fact that the idea of humanitarian intervention is incompatible with the existing international order. However, the international community, which holds an enduring and unrealistic myth about morality, seems to have the conviction that the idea is both desirable and feasible despite its contradiction with the existing international system dominated by nation states. Barring a fundamental transformation of the international order, the phenomenon of alienation cannot be totally eradicated. But normalization, institutionalization and legalization of the concept can help mitigate the problem of alienation.

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