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Social Integration of Muslim Immigrants in Germany: From the Perspective of Interaction between Religious Identity and Citizenship

Published:2018-06-14 Published:2018-06-14   Author:Liu Qian   [Small] [Middle] [Big] [More]

In recent years, the social integration of Muslim immigrants in Germany has received a lot of attention. This issue touches upon the relationship between religious identity, which is a traditional social bond, and citizenship, which is a cornerstone of modern state. In this context, if Muslim immigrants attempt to integrate themselves into the German society, they have to make their religious identity receptive to the German politico-legal system. Meanwhile, they also need to maintain a positive interaction with the German society in order to realize feelings of attachment in the cultural-psychological sense. In terms of actor’s role (subject-object) and behavioral attitude (active-passive), there are four scenarios for the integration of Muslim immigrants in Germany: “both-active integration,” “subject-active integration,” “object-active integration,” and “both-passive integration.” During the process of social integration, Muslim immigrants and Germany follow two types of logic, with the former exhibiting the tendency of religious secularization, and the latter relying more on its practical experiences of the “Self—Other”/“internalizing externalities—externalizing internalities” interaction.

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