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The Deepening of Globalization and the Resurgence of Populism

Published:2018-06-14 Published:2018-06-14   Author:Wu Yu and Wu Zhicheng   [Small] [Middle] [Big] [More]

While the evolution of globalization promoted the global socio-economic development, it has also caused such problems as the worsening imbalances of global development, growing inequality and inequitable distribution, rising domestic social tensions and governance crises, and the aggravated risks of globalization. In particular, with the development of new scientific and technological revolution and acceleration of economic integration, the basic connotation, driving force, focal points, and governance system of globalization are all undergoing changes, and globalization is in the process of deepening and adjustment. The imbalances and negative effects of globalization have not only driven the resurgence of populism, but also brought many new uncertainties to the world political order. Therefore, China should strategically further the modernization of national governance, construct a new type of globalization, and promote the reform of global governance so as to increase the benefits from the deepening of globalization and avoid the harm of extreme populism.

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