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Global Studies: Definition, Categories, Methods, and Disciplinary Orientation

Published:2018-06-27 Published:2018-06-27   Author:Cai Tuo   [Small] [Middle] [Big] [More]

For global studies, globalization constitutes its background as a discipline; various global phenomena and relations associated with globalization and global issues are its research subjects; to explore global governance is its ultimate objective; and to discover and unveil “globality” is its guiding principle. In short, global studies is a newly-emerging interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand the evolutionary characteristics, processes, and trends of the interconnectedness of the world and human beings. The four core categories of global studies are globalization, global issues, global governance, and “globality.” Its major research methods include methodological globalism, sophisticated scientific method, philosophical approach, interdisciplinary method, and comparative method, among which the first one occupies an especially important position. Global studies as an academic field needs a careful disciplinary orientation by clarifying its relations with relevant disciplines, such as international studies, sociology, anthropology, and futurology. 

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