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The Minerva Initiative of the U.S. Department of Defense

Published:2018-06-27 Published:2018-06-27   Author:Yu Tiejun and Qi Haotian   [Small] [Middle] [Big] [More]

In order to strengthen its capacity of conducting basic social research in certain policy-related areas, and to redefine the relationship between the military and the social science academia, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) launched the Minerva Initiative in 2008. According to this initiative, DOD has been sponsoring dozens of educational and/or research institutions to conduct research and training in various areas such as anti-terrorism, religious studies, and the potential military power and social development in certain countries and regions of critical importance. This initiative has made much progress and reignited a debate about the relationship among national security, military preferences and academic autonomy. Despite some controversial problems it has raised, the Minerva Initiative is an illuminating case for the construction of a security studies community in China, especially in terms of streamlining project selection and integrating the comparative advantages of the military and the civilian universities.

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