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On the “Scienceness” of Politics:A Study of Aristotelian Politics

Published:2018-06-27 Published:2018-06-27   Author:Tang Shiqi   [Small] [Middle] [Big] [More]

Although Aristotle lists politics as one of the“sciences,” its character as a “practical science” allows itself to be more open to uniqueness and randomness, making rationality-transcending “careful reasoning and informed judgments” the ultimate goal of political education. In an Aristotelian sense, the scientification of politics since the dawn of modern era is in fact a process of metaphysicization. To a great extent, the pursuit of universality and certainty narrows the perspectives of politics, and the technologization of politics overlooks the significance of political wisdoms. Thus it is imperative for us to “rediscover” Aristotle in order to overcome the deficiencies in current political studies.

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