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Economic Needs, Interdependence and Germany’s War Decision in 1914

Published:2018-06-27 Published:2018-06-27   Author:Mei Ran   [Small] [Middle] [Big] [More]

A conventional view holds that economic needs constituted a major factor behind Germany’s decision of going to war in 1914. But without considering the logic of preventive war, it is hardly conceivable that Germany would have initiated a major war sooner or later solely due to economic needs. Even if Germany had thought of benefiting economically from the war, economic considerations were still secondary and epiphenomenal. It is problematic to argue that Germany chose to go to war due to economic needs without regard to its external economic connections. The logic of preventive war was decisive in driving Germany to the abyss of war. 

Add to Favorites ISSN1671-4709 Copyright 1980-2018 The Journal of International Studies